Middle school kids in Georgia were unnecessarily traumatized after a classmate's suicide resulted in a 'code red lockdown' with frightened parents waiting outside for hours.
Your article is flawed on many levels. For starters, authorities protecting children in this age of terror attacks need to anticipate dynamic methods that have not been traditionally utilized. If all we needed was historical data to predict what the next attack will look like, our jobs would be much easier. In other opinion pieces you lay out how easy it is to subvert school security measures, which it seems you enjoy doing. How radically irresponsible and unrealistic of you to suggest that authorities can make assumptions about what took place in a bathroom where there were apparently no witnesses and a deceased student and a weapon. Do better.
I'm thinking about the future too. I wrote this in June 2024.
Ten school shooting threats we are failing to imagine
Missing the signals before 9/11 attacks was a "failure of imagination". Schools faces the same shortfalls when planning hasn't evolved since Columbine 25 years ago.
That was a great article, which is why I'm confused by this one. Making assumptions at the scene of a shooting without determining facts gets people killed. Which is worse, "trauma" from a lockdown, or getting shot in the face?
Your article is flawed on many levels. For starters, authorities protecting children in this age of terror attacks need to anticipate dynamic methods that have not been traditionally utilized. If all we needed was historical data to predict what the next attack will look like, our jobs would be much easier. In other opinion pieces you lay out how easy it is to subvert school security measures, which it seems you enjoy doing. How radically irresponsible and unrealistic of you to suggest that authorities can make assumptions about what took place in a bathroom where there were apparently no witnesses and a deceased student and a weapon. Do better.
I'm thinking about the future too. I wrote this in June 2024.
Ten school shooting threats we are failing to imagine
Missing the signals before 9/11 attacks was a "failure of imagination". Schools faces the same shortfalls when planning hasn't evolved since Columbine 25 years ago.
That was a great article, which is why I'm confused by this one. Making assumptions at the scene of a shooting without determining facts gets people killed. Which is worse, "trauma" from a lockdown, or getting shot in the face?