Host: David Riedman, founder of the K-12 School Shooting Database.
Guest: Dr. Benjamin P. Comer, Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice at Texas Christian University.
We discussed:
How the K-12 School Shooting Databased started.
Landscape of ~30 different info sources about school shootings from the “Columbine’s Angels” blog in the 1990s to anonymized government reports that omit school names.
Definitions run amuck when the US Secret Service excludes a sniper firing 240 rounds at a school because the shooter was not on school property when the shots were fired.
Broad data collection creates the foundation for many different projects and types of research.
Five recommendations for reconciling the differences and using a standardized methodology for research going forward.
If we misunderstand the baseline—99% of shootings at schools are not mass shootings—we create policies designed for 1% of gun violence which are misaligned with the most common circumstances on campus.
David Riedman is the creator of the K-12 School Shooting Database. Listen to my recent interviews on Freakonomics Radio, New England Journal of Medicine, and my article on CNN about AI and school security.
Episode 6: What is the definition of a 'school shooting' and why does it matter?