Host: David Riedman, creator of the K-12 School Shooting Database
Guest: Dr. Algernon Austin, Director for Race and Economic Justice at the Center for Economic and Policy Research
New research paper: Gun Violence Lowers Academic Achievement Especially for Black Children
Article referenced: The Other School Shootings: Gun Violence at America’s Poorest Schools
Peer-reviewed research on economic impact of school shootings:
The Impacts of Shootings on Students' Human Capital and Economic Outcomes
Effects of School Shootings on Risky Behavior, Health and Human Capital
Impacts on the mental health, education, and earnings of American youth
David Riedman is the creator of the K-12 School Shooting Database, Chief Data Officer at a global risk management firm, and a tenure-track professor. Listen to my weekly podcast—Back to School Shootings—or my recent interviews on Freakonomics Radio, New England Journal of Medicine, and my article on CNN about AI and school security.
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